I travel the world with my 360 camera and take videos and photos.
Replayed on a VR headset it becomes my virtual world.

I can keep the photos in 360 VR to watch in 360 or I can reframe them into “regular style” creative photos and videos that would be hard to take on a traditional camera.

I have broken up the sections below by parts of the world as well as added a section for gear and general travel discussion.

I live in the Orlando area so that will get its own section since that will expand the most in the future.
Then the rest of Florida as I wander the rest of the state.
Then over the USA which I have travelled extensively.
Surprisingly my more recent travels have been international/ World so that is where most of my 360 videos were shot.

Orlando 360 VR
Orlando 360
Florida 360 VR
Florida 360
USA 360 VR
USA 360
World 360 VR
World 360
360 VR travel gear
360 VR travel Gear
360 VR travel Discussion
360 VR travel Discussion
day trip from orlando 360 vr Virtual travel
Day Trips